
Be Paw-pared: Keep Your Pets Safe During Disasters

Don't forget your furry family during a disaster. Help keep your pets safe by following these steps.

Before a Disaster

Prepare your pets by creating an emergency supply kit with essential supplies to last at least three days, including:

  • Food and water
  • Bowls
  • Medications
  • Leash, collar, and ID tags
  • Crate/carrier
  • Copy of medical and vaccination records inside a waterproof box or bag
  • Waste disposal bags
  • Comfort Items, such as blankets and toys
  • Current photo of you and your pet together

During a Disaster

What’s good for you is good for your pet, so keep your pets safe by:

  • Bringing pets inside to protect them against the elements
  • Taking pets with you when you evacuate or go to a shelter
  • Keeping an emergency kit accessible
  • Providing comforting items, such as a favorite toy or blanket

After a Disaster

As you and the community begin to recover following a disaster, take precautions to keep pets safe by:

  • Checking for hazards before allowing pets outside, such as downed trees, contaminated water, and powerlines
  • Ensuring pets wear a collar with an ID tag
  • Looking for signs of injury or illness
  • Providing extra comfort to your pet to help them adjust
  • If pet is missing, posting a photo and description of your pet on social media and around your neighborhood